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Unlock Intelligence Using The Power of Speech!

Improve your study skills so you study less and remember more.

Join the “Speak it to Keep it” online workshop to learn faster, pass courses and get free academic coaching.

Every student should take our quick study skills training to master learning during lectures.

Unique & Upcoming Trend

Recall More Information Immediately After Lectures.

Discover your learning potential with our Lecture Max App coming soon.



Our study skills training helps college students improve their natural ability to learn rapidly during lectures. Based on proven science concepts, students learn faster and more effectively by speaking out loud before, during and after lectures. 



This method is simple to use and with our pedagogy, you’ll learn the skills you need to take better notes, participate actively in class discussions and improve your grades. 

Don’t wait to start learning faster and more effectively. Take my crash course today and discover the power of “Speaking It”… to Keep It! Get exclusive access to our app coming soon.

Learn Faster By Using Your Spoken Voice

Why? Because we naturally speak before we learn how to read!



Are you looking to learn faster and easier in college? Our workshop transforms the way you experience information. It’s based on fun active learning, simple note taking and role playing!

Ask yourself, why did K-12 emphasize reading & writing skills but not speaking? I teach students how to look at lectures with a new perspective which turns their lectures into a real learning ‘experience’.


Our workshop combines cutting-edge scientific methods, time management hacks, test-taking strategies and much more. Join the workshop now and start your journey into learning how you learn. You will learn how to:

Write Notes Like A Script

Activate Whole Mind

Study Less But Learn More

Read Easier and Faster

Reduce Test Anxiety

Gain Confidence

Join The Workshop & Download Our Learning App To Support Your New Learning Process

Create your learning process and track your micro learning session before, during and after lectures.

Workshop Learning Concepts

Maximize Learning During Lectures With 3 Steps & 9 Principles

Since childhood you have already used these learning strategies. K-12 limited you. Now, let’s bring it back and apply them to your lectures. 

Speak to Build Memory

As a child you created associations in your world, then used speech to confirm your knowledge! Let’s do the same with lectures and notes.

Questions Spark Curiosity

An easy course is boring and a hard course can be overwhelming. If you create your own hypothesis of what YOU will get from lecture, you can enter active learning and experience lecture like it’s an experiment. 

It's on The Tip of Your Tongue

Someone ask you a question, you know the answer, but don’t recall! What emotion do you feel? That emotion can be the key to activate stronger memory of college lectures.

Hack Your Lecture

Lectures are passive learning environments. When you surround lectures with active learning methods, you can ensure your mind stays in active state during lectures.

Speak to Build Memory

As a child you created associations in your world, then used speech to confirm your knowledge! Let’s do the same with lectures and notes.

Questions Spark Curiosity

An easy course is boring and a hard course can be overwhelming. If you create your own hypothesis of what YOU will get from lecture, you can enter active learning and experience lecture like it’s an experiment. 

It's on The Tip of Your Tongue

Someone ask you a question, you know the answer, but don’t recall! What emotion do you feel? That emotion can be the key to activate stronger memory of college lectures.

Hack Your Lecture

Lectures are passive learning environments. When you surround lectures with active learning methods, you can ensure your mind stays in active state during lectures.

Speak to Build Memory

As a child you created associations in your world, then used speech to confirm your knowledge! Let’s do the same with lectures and notes.

Questions Spark Curiosity

An easy course is boring and a hard course can be overwhelming. If you create your own hypothesis of what YOU will get from lecture, you can enter active learning and experience lecture like it’s an experiment. 

It's on The Tip of Your Tongue

Someone ask you a question, you know the answer, but don’t recall! What emotion do you feel? That emotion can be the key to activate stronger memory of college lectures.

Hack Your Lecture

Lectures are passive learning environments. When you surround lectures with active learning methods, you can ensure your mind stays in active state during lectures.

Only 3 Steps To Learn Better in Lectures!

Break Lectures Into 3 Sessions and Use Active Learning Strategies.

Create Questions

Notes & Scripts

Spaced Review

Social Learning

What Our Students Say About This!


This is a new age. With information at our fingertips, the ability to recall information at will is the new skill needed. Use this learning process to tap into your natural learning skills using the power of speech.

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