Ramont Smith

Ramont Smith

Memory Loss & Spaced Learning

Learning is an action we perform from the moment we are born. As humans we learn, then forget and re-learn information. This cycle creates long term memory. For example, parents repeat information to children basically until children repeat it back. This shows the natural dynamic between memory loss, spaced repetition and spaced speaking review. These truths exist in the natural world because all humans experience them and they have been documented in the science world as well. Dr. Hermann Ebbinghaus was a pioneer in studying the relation between memory, learning and curiosity.

Hermann Ebbinghaus who, in 1885, experimented with his own memory in order to uncover reasons why we remember things, why some items are randomly remembered while others are forgotten. His findings concluded that metacognition – the intentional thinking about how one thinks and learns – could prevent cases of memory loss and lead to enhanced levels of understanding when applied in everyday scenarios. 

When students recognize their own memory lapses and take action to address them, they can gain control of their learning processes instead of merely following study methods and hoping to pass tests. Students often feel more prepared for tests than they really are. By consciously battling memory loss, a student doesn’t have to invest energy into remembering and they can begin to implement new information at hand into real-world questions or scenarios. 

Memory loss is affected by factors such as:
*Complexity of information presented
*Academic teaching methods or sources (academic learning pyramid)
*Meaningfulness attached with learning material
*Physiological dependencies (sleep deprivation impairs mental processes)
*Psychological dependencies (stress from life uncertainties reduces capabilities of remembering)

Students experience a combination of these and it can create learning disabilities for students in college courses or mid-career professionals trying to keep up with competition by continuously upgrading their knowledge base & skillsets. The pandemic has made this problem even more severe and new learning strategies are being implemented nationwide in response.

Spaced Repetition has been proven effective time after time by Dr. Ebbinghaus himself along with continued studies. Spaced repetition is the act of reviewing information and certain time intervals in order to increase level of retention. The intervals are typically 1 day after learning, 3 days after and then 7 days. This strategy works in the academic setting and can be improved even more. Due to information from society flooding our minds, students have to use metacognition to create a custom spaced repetition timeline for the specific courses they are taking. Using active learning techniques combined with speaking techniques, Ramont teaches students how to learn materials more effectively which results in them being fully prepared for tests without having to cram right before exams.

In the transformative workshop, Ramont guides students on an experiential journey where students explore the world of metacognition. The end result is students develop a higher sense of awareness of themselves while leaving with a step by step learning process that frees up their time and their mind. Students are left free to be in life and navigate the world without unnecessary stress from academic rigor.

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