Ramont Smith

Ramont Smith

Use Emotion To Increase Memory Storage

The power of emotion on memory storage can have a profound effect on how well we absorb and retain information. Learning is a process that relies heavily on our emotions, either consciously or unconsciously. 

From a young age, we observe and experience how our emotions can improve our learning. As children, our curiosity and excitement drive us to soak up information with vigor. This type of enthusiasm and enthusiasm-driven learning is the kind that lasts and builds strong foundations for our future educational endeavors. 

However, as we transition into K-12 education and beyond, these sensations tend to diminish as the style of learning and social pressures become apparent. We can no longer be frivolous in our learning; instead, our emotions become less of a driving force and more of a road block. 

This also holds true in college. We can no longer have that enthusiasm-driven approach to learning that once served us so well as children. With the task of maximizing our performance, connecting with information and studies can feel like a chore. How can we reawaken that child hood learning strategy to help increase our memory storage? 

One way is to use natural emotions as a tool to increase our memory storage. One way emotion is already used as a tool is in sports. Have you heard of the competitive spirit? A students desire to win is harnessed to move them into action, whether it’s practicing more, working harder or overcoming obstacles. This same competitive spirit can be used in the academic setting as well. By understanding the emotions that drive us, we can create a plan for the task of learning. We can explore what drives us and use it to motivate us to learn in a new, more effective way that increases our memory storage. Learn more about how to use competition to increase academics.

This is precisely why our transformative workshops guide our students to understand the role that emotions play in creating memories. Once they understand these principles they are also taught how they can make the most of that knowledge. We teach a framework that allows students to create their learning process and reach their educational goals while reawakening that enthusiasm they had as children. Through simple exercises and activities, we enable our students to explore how their emotions can affect their learning and change they way they take notes during lecture. When emotion is present during lectures they can become a mindful note taker rather than passively just copying notes. Click here to learn more about note taking.

By harnessing the power of emotion on memory storage, we can create a new, innovative approach to learning that can be both enjoyable and efficient. Our emotions are the tools for learning, for creativity, and for advancement in life. So, if you’re looking to increase your memory and retention, understanding the impact of your emotions can be a powerful step in your journey towards self empowerment and academic success with Speak it to Keep it methodologies.

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