Taking Notes In College Lectures

Taking notes during college lectures can be a difficult task, as lectures can often lack engagement, while students may also be distracted or dealing with stress. Without actively engaging in the lecture material, students may become “mindless scribes” and simply rewrite what they hear without critically examining the content. To prevent this, students should strive […]

Relationship Between Curiosity & Emotion

Life-long learning is essential for staying ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving world. By nature, this curiosity about new things is inherent in children; however, it can start to diminish when they reach a certain age. This can be combated through creating intentional opportunities for learning that foster continual growth and development. Furthermore, many […]

Memory Loss & Spaced Learning

Learning is an action we perform from the moment we are born. As humans we learn, then forget and re-learn information. This cycle creates long term memory. For example, parents repeat information to children basically until children repeat it back. This shows the natural dynamic between memory loss, spaced repetition and spaced speaking review. These […]

Competition To Enhance Learning

Competition offers a great opportunity to improve learning, both mentally and emotionally. It can push you to be creative and resourceful when solving problems and encourage higher levels of engagement with studies. Using competition responsibly will bring out the best in students and help them reach their full potential. Take, for instance, my own experiences […]

Reading Faster to Learn Easier

Reading in the academic world involves recognizing and understanding text in order to apply existing concepts to new problems, as well as discovering solutions. In reality, reading is the intake of information regardless of its delivery method. Although we learn how to read during school and are encouraged to take on challenges by progressing towards […]

Visualization: Increase Understanding and Unlock Your Ability to Share

Using visualization while learning can trigger active learning in a passive learning environment Visualization helps to transition passive learning environments into active ones, in which students think critically and explore the material being presented. Through visualization, you can observe how information is being received and stored in the mind and build a foundation for exploration. […]

Lecture Max Learning App

Attention all college students! Are you tired of sitting through boring lectures and feeling like you’re not retaining enough information? Do you struggle to focus or stay engaged during class? Well, we have some incredible news for you! Our upcoming learning app is about to change your life forever. Introducing “Lecture Hacker” the ultimate habit […]

Transformative Workshop

Welcome to the Transformative Learning Workshop for College Students! Are you looking to improve your study habits and boost your academic performance? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Our workshop is designed to teach you how to learn using valuable techniques for retaining and recalling information, including the practice of speaking out loud […]

Scientific Method Meets College Lecture

Our thoughts about the future affect our current state. For example, if you’re going on a vacation next week you may feel excitement today. Or on your way to an event, you feel nervousness or eagerness. Now imagine how students feel heading into a “boring” lecture in a course they don’t want to take. How […]

Using Emotion To Trigger The Subconscious Mind

Have you ever experienced a situation where a particular event or a person has left such a lasting impact on you that you cannot forget it? It is likely because that event or person triggered an intense emotional response in you. Or have you ever been asked a question and you know the answer but […]